How to Make LinkedIn Work for You Beyond your CV. #5WFs(16th)

…and a few other things.

Omole Imosemi
2 min readSep 18, 2021
Photo by Souvik Banerjee on Unsplash

1. What I’m inspired by: A quote I heard during the week; “Don’t chase perfection, chase consistency.” Absolutely seconded by yours truly.

2. What I’m reading: Very rich and insightful articles on B2B marketing here on LinkedIn Marketing Solutions. Honestly, methinks this trumps the posturing, sorry, networking that takes place on the platform. If you are interested in marketing or strategy, you should consider signing up to the LinkedIn marketing blog here. Or better still, explore the ‘business’ section that showcases solutions and resources for talent, marketing, sales and learning.

3. What I’m excited about: Progress! Went shopping today — purchased 2 new domains. Could be the start of something big or something bleh, but who cares anyway? In the end what will matter the most is that I tried!

4. What I did: Joined a privileged session on Women in Leadership: Setting the Agenda and Breaking Boundaries with Karl Olutokun Toriola , MD MTN Nigeria and hosted by PWR Advisory . Two key takeaways; a.) Policy and decision makers must be held accountable on gender equity issues. b.) Getting the desired change sometimes means making people uncomfortable, but that’s okay because you can’t make an omelette without breaking an egg! Thank you Ivana I. Osagie for a rewarding time, always.

5. What’s up: Prayers, for Afghanistan, Haiti and the World. *“All around us, we observe a pregnant creation. The difficult times of pain throughout the world are simply birth pangs …yearning for full delivery…this is the hope that saves us. So if we hope for what we do not have, we have to wait for it.” And wait we shall. Martin Luther King Jnr. puts it this way; “we must accept finite disappointment but never lose infinite hope.”


Every Friday-ish, I do a quick round up of 5 things; What I’m Inspired by, What I’m Reading, What I’m Excited About, What I Did and What’s Up! These are my takes on 5 significant, sublime and sometimes silly stuff! Click below to read and follow me on Medium so you don’t miss this! Feedback’s great so don’t forget to clap, like, comment and share with others. Again…enjoy! #5WhatsFridays

