Legends and Legacies. #5WFs(154th)

Omole Imosemi
2 min readApr 15, 2024
Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

1. What I’m inspired by: Legends and legacies. I don’t know football but I remember an era where posters of Thierry Henry adorned university dorm walls and David Beckham’s mohawk was the hottest news. Seeing their recent Lay’s ad got me thinking about how investment in a legacy provides strong returns in later years. I thought the ad was good enough. Then I remembered THIS legendary ad. I mean, is it too early to give up on ever being this cool? As a YouTube comment read, “This commercial is like anxiety relief, a nostalgia trip, and an inspiration all in one.” I agree. Here: https://lnkd.in/erCtEhmT

2. What I’m reading: This Business Insider article: “The shame of LinkedIn. Why posting on the site feels so embarrassing — and how to overcome the cringe factor.” I laughed out loud at this excerpt: “The goal for most people on LinkedIn is not to be a creator, anyway, it’s just to live to fight another day in the working world,” and fighting it is. 😁 More here: https://lnkd.in/exmRYDFB

3. What I’m excited about: The changing world of work and evolving job roles: Social Media Manager, Sustainability Manager and now, “The rise of the Chief AI Officer.” Read in Financial Times here: https://lnkd.in/ecuNN9B8

4. What I did: Attended the NatWest Group Black Heritage Insight Experience, a 2-day enlightening session on the activities of the bank. Having never attended an Insight experience, I was not sure what to expect, but I came away truly inspired by the culture, strategic direction, sustainability imperative, and significance of the work carried out by the institution. It was a privilege to hear from the senior management team, especially the Strategy, Corporate Development and Sustainability team and CEO Paul Thwaite, who all took time off busy schedules to interact with us. A huge thank you to my host Kalm Paul-Christian and buddy #VictorLiu, cohort: Dionne Makoni and Omar Maghrabi, as well as the hugely welcoming and empathetic organising team and volunteers. Sharniya Ferdinand (She/Her) Tom Cookson Chris Ford Sheena Hales BEM (she/her) Aegli Evgeniou Honey A Yinka Fadina

5. What’s up: “Why are so many young people getting cancer?” Here: https://lnkd.in/eMvPVaJz The allusion to a lack of sleep, amongst other factors, really hit home. More work-life balance people and early lights-out!


Every Friday-ish, I do a quick round up of 5 things; What I’m Inspired by, What I’m Reading, What I’m Excited About, What I Did and What’s Up! These are my takes on 5 significant, sublime and sometimes silly stuff! Follow me on Medium so you don’t miss this! Feedback’s great so don’t forget to clap, like, comment and share with others. Again…enjoy! #5WhatsFridays

