“The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride.” #5WFs (44th)

Shirking the trip to Eldorado

Omole Imosemi
3 min readMar 5, 2022
Photo by Jay Rembert on Unsplash
  1. What I’m inspired by: “The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride.” Volodymyr Zelensky. And just like that, history, lulled by decades of pandering rhetoric, suddenly jolts awake, scrambles for a pen and begins again, the indelible inking of weighty words on dusty pages that hosted the fore; Churchill, Patton, Rommel, Bonaparte, Eisenhower…

How many times do we call for a ride from the battles confronting us? We beg for a ride, dream of one, blame others for not giving us one,… anything. Passenger seat, back seat, car boot, hang from the door, “lapping”… anywhere and anyhow, to get away from the fight. Zelensky says we don’t need a cop-out, rather we buckle up and double down!

2. What I’m reading: The writings of #AbimbolaAdelakun, Journalist and columnist, Punch Newspapers Thursday back page. Heated polity, fuel scarcity and a threat of wheat shortage, I needed to vent, and Bimbo has a way of enabling this in a most telepathic way. She slices and dices the issues, cooking a meal of objectivity, style, sarcasm, criticism and boldface call to accountability, all served piping hot, leading to fist-pumps of “Yes!”, “Tell them!” and “Thank you!” See here: https://bit.ly/3vG7wGI Then this: “The Batman is a Waste of Robert Pattison.” Scathing review. Amazing writing. Come on Edward Cu…sorry, Bruce Wayne! Read here: https://bit.ly/35pRvdy

3. What I’m excited about: We are doing it again! For 2 consecutive years, we have hosted the specially designed and always impactful BRANDLEE SOLUTIONS Bookbased workshop for the International Women’s Day. Imagine a capacity building programme for women, replete with rich resources and seasoned facilitators in an ambience of fun, learning, sharing and good food! This year, the theme is “Leveraging Gender Equality for Sustainable Careers and Organizations.” How do you plan to celebrate the #2022IWD in your organization? I give some insight here: https://bit.ly/3tzbiPp
One week left! You can still sign up female employees for this! Reach us. DM or email: contact@BrandLeeSolutions.com

4. What I did: Navigated a CRM I had queued for years in a day! I had to, so it got done. Simple. Parkinson’s Law’s right afterall; “Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.”

5. What’s up: a.) The cloud! I was reminded of how important it was to store and backup data in the cloud, when my devices crashed. Get in the cloud, back up now and save yourself some misery. Simple tools such as #googledrive Slack, HubSpot CRM Solutions, ConvertKit, Zoho, WaveApps, etc., lead to efficiency, effectiveness and peace of mind.

b.) My determination not to be frustrated! Having your core work tools breakdown in sequential order has to rank somewhere close to being the haunted in a horror flick. It can be hard to be cheery but you know how I know it’s going to be alright? Mango’s out, children remain blissfully oblivious and (sighs) your boss still needs that report. Moral of the rant? Life goes on. So must we. Have a great weekend!

Every Friday-ish, I do a quick round up of 5 things; What I’m Inspired by, What I’m Reading, What I’m Excited About, What I Did and What’s Up! These are my takes on 5 significant, sublime and sometimes silly stuff! Follow me on Medium so you don’t miss this! Feedback’s great so don’t forget to clap, like, comment and share with others. Again…enjoy! #5WhatsFridays

