Why you shouldn’t be scared of AI.#5WFs(89th)

Non-Luddites Only.

Omole Imosemi
2 min readJan 15, 2023
Photo by Sven Mieke on Unsplash

1. What I’m inspired by: This speech with which I have fallen in love and listened to over the years. It’s Crown Princess Mary of Denmark’ speech at her husband –Crown Prince Frederik’ 50th birthday. Laden with beauty and grace, laced with charm and humour. Enough to make his eyes water and the rest of us grin stupidly. A quote from the speech; “To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily. Not to dare is to lose oneself”, Soren Kierkegaard. Watch here: https://lnkd.in/dGGJDUhU

2. What I’m reading: A call to not be Luddites; originally the 19th century workers who fiercely resisted then novel textile machines because they replaced their hard-learned craft of hand weaving, but now generally referred to anyone who rejects technology that substitutes a human skill, livelihood or relevance. This article says there is no cause for alarm; human creativity in art, literature, etc., will always be relevant. Do you agree? Read here: https://lnkd.in/dVzHDaQq

3. What I’m excited about: Hiring the world’ first AI interns! How to eliminate “necessary but mind-numbing and time-consuming tasks”? Pass it on to robots! Exactly what this marketing agency did. http://bit.ly/3XkLTXK Hold on, where is the company designing AI for domestic chores? The future is mwah!

4. What I did: Tried ChatGPT for the first time. The result was humiliatingly good.

5. What’s up: PVC Collection. Have you got yours? Go get it. It’s our time!


Every Friday-ish, I do a quick round up of 5 things; What I’m Inspired by, What I’m Reading, What I’m Excited About, What I Did and What’s Up! These are my takes on 5 significant, sublime and sometimes silly stuff! Follow me on Medium so you don’t miss this! Feedback’s great so don’t forget to clap, like, comment and share with others. Again…enjoy! #5WhatsFridays

